Category: Exercise

Low back pain – resources

Saurab Sharma | April 12, 2020

Today, I had a chance to participate in a discussion facilitated by Nepal Physiotherapy Association on low back pain over Zoom and was broadcasted on the association’s official Facebook Page. I was very happy with the active engagement of everyone (other speakers and audiences). Very interesting questions were raised, and as promised, I am sharing […]

Summary of IFOMPT 2016

Saurab Sharma | August 13, 2016

I was among the lucky three in the world to be supported by IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists) and Glasgow city with international bursary award to attend IFOMPT 2016 conference in Glasgow this year between 4th – 8th July. I waited for this conference for 4 years after the last one in […]

Consensus statement on Patellofemoral pain: Part 1

Saurab Sharma | June 29, 2016

Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common condition of the knee that is characterized by the pain behind and around the patella. It is present in 7 – 28% of population and is slightly more common in women. As different researchers define the condition differently in their research, so do the clinicians. This results in difference […]

How to exercise in different chronic pain conditions?

Anupa Pathak | December 2, 2015

After a very interesting discussion on exercise prescription for chronic low back pain on a previous post on chronic pain, I received an invitation to write a blog on exercises for chronic pain which I accepted to write. For writing this blog, I performed a narrative review of literature and summarized the evidences for three […]

Should we worry about “how much it hurts” in Chronic Pain?

Saurab Sharma | November 27, 2015

History of pain management suggests strong value of focusing on pain intensity as the goal of treatment. This is true for cancer pain towards the end of life and probably for acute pain with injury or pathology. However, for pain without obvious pathology or trauma, addressing elimination of pain may not be right goal of […]

Tell me exercises for Low Back Pain!!!

Saurab Sharma | May 25, 2015

My friends, relatives and other people I know keep asking this to me all the time, “tell me some exercises for low back pain!!!”. They ask me in all weird ways such as over text message, facebook, phone etc and in unsuitable places such as while crossing a road, when meeting in social functions (wedding ceremonies, dance […]