INPTRA Conference 2017
I was lucky to receive a scholarship to attend INPTRA conference in Cape Town on June 30 and July 1, 2017. This is a focused meeting of physiotherapy regulators from all over the world and issues regarding physiotherapy regulation, education, accreditation etc are discussed. Find the summary of the presentation of day 1 and day 2 by clicking on the respective days. I also had a chance to speak at the conference and present the Nepalese perspective of physiotherapy regulation with special scenario on our current state of regulation of physiotherapy profession, the challenges we face, and our positive steps in the upliftment of the profession and protection of the clients. You will find this 15 minute presentation in slideshare.
I also could find time to speak to the experts from different countries to help Nepal to improve the standards of education by accrediting physiotherapy course in Nepal, improving the standards of physiotherapy practice by making their contribution in various documents created or will be created by Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC).
INPTRA is a very supportive group which aims to improve the physiotherapy standards across the globe. They welcome all the countries to join their hands. I urge all countries to be a member of INPTRA and support their novel cause.