Pain Rating Scales- Nepali versions
Different measures exist to assess intensity of pain which are suited for different individuals based on age, education and culture. Read this previous blog on different measures for assessment of pain intensities. They are translated and adapted to assess pain intensity in Nepalese with pain.
Numerical Pain Rating Scales are among the most commonly used scales in clinical practice and research to assess pain intensity.
The following measures include NPRS that asks participants to rate their intensity or the extent of pain on a scale from 0 to 10 such that 0 is no pain and 10 is maximum pain or intolerable pain. Also, the measures listed can be used to ask patients for their pain in past 24 hours or past 7 days based on the need. We tested NPRS on a prospective study which proved to yield good to excellent reliability, validity and responsiveness. NPRS can be used by the clinicians on their patients for their regular clinical practice, by researchers for their research work, and also by the patients or consumers themselves to keep track of their intensity of pain for personal reference.