Tag: NepalQuake

Coping with #NepalEarthquake- Part II

Anupa Pathak | June 5, 2015

Disaster such as earthquake comes unannounced. Every individual who experience this, will go through some form of distress or trauma may it be physical, social or psychological or emotional. Different individuals cope with this in different ways. Some individuals get back to normal without external support, where as some require medical or psychological therapies. In […]

Nepal Earthquake – A physiotherapy student’s perspective: Part I

Anupa Pathak | June 2, 2015

Background: The 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal on 25th April, 2015, 11:56 am local time, left more than 8,000 dead, 19,000 injured and those who managed to escape unscratched are traumatized to say the least. Two hundred and eighty nine aftershocks of magnitude ≥4 ML followed (until May 29, 2015) with an aftershock of 7.2 […]