Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common condition of the knee that is characterized by the pain behind and around the patella. It is present in 7 – 28% of population and is slightly more common in women. As different researchers define the condition differently in their research, so do the clinicians. This results in difference […]
Many of us run for various reasons including reasons such as weight reduction, training heart and lungs, improving body functions, staying fit and healthy and few of us run as a hobby. No matter what is the reason for running, the intent is good. However, we are at RISK of running related injuries. Almost 80% […]
Treating any condition requires knowledge of various sources of symptoms that may elicit pain. These sources of symptoms could arise from tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles, nerves and fascia. The treatment of the pain or problem will differ based on the structures involved. Thus, accurate diagnosis of the problem is required for which clinicians need to […]
This post contains series of powerpoint presentations intended to introduce knee functional anatomy and biomechanics of knee joint.