Month: October 2015

I have subscribed to PEDro “Evidence in my Inbox” – have you?

Saurab Sharma | October 31, 2015

PEDro is physiotherapy Evidence Based Database. To learn how PEDro is useful resource for physiotherapists click here. A brand new feature of PEDro includes “Evidence in your Inbox”. With this feature of PEDro, “The latest clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews and clinical trials for each area of physiotherapy and for selected topics in physiotherapy can […]

PEDro – An important physiotherapy evidence resource.

Saurab Sharma | October 31, 2015

PEDro is physiotherapy Evidence Based Database. It is created to bring physiotherapy evidences free to use for physiotherapists all round the world. It archives more than 31 thousand interventional studies (clinical trials), summary of evidences (Systematic reviews) and clinical practice guidelines. It is easier as physiotherapists to browse through one database PEDro for updating themselves, […]

Do you RUN for various reasons? If yes, you are at risk for injuries!!!

Saurab Sharma | October 19, 2015

Many of us run for various reasons including reasons such as weight reduction, training heart and lungs, improving body functions, staying fit and healthy and few of us run as a hobby. No matter what is the reason for running, the intent is good. However, we are at RISK of running related injuries. Almost 80% […]

Tear of Fascia Cruris: A new Diagnosis to consider in Achillodynia

Saurab Sharma | October 17, 2015

Treating any condition requires knowledge of various sources of symptoms that may elicit pain. These sources of symptoms could arise from tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles, nerves and fascia. The treatment of the pain or problem will differ based on the structures involved. Thus, accurate diagnosis of the problem is required for which clinicians need to […]