Month: January 2016

Writing “Methods” section of an article

Saurab Sharma | January 19, 2016

The method section of any article ideally ties “the introduction” to “the results” section to create a clear story line. It should present the obvious approach to answer the research questions and define the structure in which the result will be presented later. The method section of an article should allow readers to:• Understand how […]

Why does an old knee hurt?

Saurab Sharma | January 14, 2016

Old knees are mostly painful due to a complex problem called the osteoarthritis (OA). It is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, which refers to clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degrees of functional limitation and reduced quality of life (1). It affects more than one-third of persons of age more than […]

How can we measure pain?

Saurab Sharma | January 12, 2016

The ultimate aim of any clinician is to relieve afflictions of the patient which is measured in terms of pain. Pain is a psychological phenomenon and naturally there are several facets central to its perception [6]. These include intensity, duration, interference with activities or disability, affect, tolerance, fear avoidance, catastropizing etc. There are multiple validated […]

How to write “introduction section” of an article?

Saurab Sharma | January 9, 2016

A “good introduction” makes up a “good article” Introduction is the most read section of an article. The quality of the introduction attracts the readers to further proceed to read the entire article. A good article will generate interest among the reader towards the research work. It is therefore critical part of an article, thus […]

Mulligan’s Approach – Workshop Opportunity in Nepal

Saurab Sharma | January 7, 2016

What is Mulligan’s concept?A concept of manual therapy where the therapist applies the accessory joint mobilizations with the patient generated physiological movement (MWM). Mostly, it is done in weight bearing position and helps to reduce the pain and symptoms instantly. This is the reason why the patients or those with painful disorders like the approach […]