Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common condition of the knee that is characterized by the pain behind and around the patella. It is present in 7 – 28% of population and is slightly more common in women. As different researchers define the condition differently in their research, so do the clinicians. This results in difference […]
It is very important for all clinicians to reflect on things that we learn may it be by undertaking a course or what our patients teach us every day in the clinic. By reflection, I mean, analyzing what did I learn, what is good about this, how can I use this in my patients, how […]
What is Mulligan’s concept?A concept of manual therapy where the therapist applies the accessory joint mobilizations with the patient generated physiological movement (MWM). Mostly, it is done in weight bearing position and helps to reduce the pain and symptoms instantly. This is the reason why the patients or those with painful disorders like the approach […]
Muscle tightness specifically of Hamstring muscle is a very common problem. It is speculated that it can cause variety of problems such as low back pain, hamstring muscle strain, patellofemoral pain, plantar fasciitis etc. A variety of treatment techniques have been used in the past to improve hamstring flexibility, however, none of the techniques proved […]